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Alice Holub Ph.D., R Psych

Clinical Psychologist

Alice Holub was born in the Netherlands and grew up in Alberta. She holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Calgary and completed her Psychology residency in Winnipeg in 2007. As a registered Psychologist, she has provided assessments of children with complex medical issues and has provided therapy through several clinics at Alberta Children's Hospital, helping families and children navigate challenges such as premature birth, diabetes or sleep disorders. She is a strong advocate for high-quality mental health care that is equitable and accessible to all. Alice is also passionate about the outdoors, for is healing and recreational value, and can be found exploring the backcountry of the Alberta Rockies when not at work. She is grateful to live, work, and play on treaty 7 land.

Alice’s role as consultant at Blackbird Healing Arts Collective includes providing clinical case supervision and comprehensive Psychology assessments that support work that the art therapists are providing to children.  Approach to assessment stems from a developmentally-informed, compassionate, and family-centered approach. Psychology studies have shown us that assessments - done well and with empathy - are not only informative but are therapeutic. Alice values collaboration and science-informed practice, as well as learning from the families she serves. With compassionate mental health guidance, science-informed practice, and a community of support - she believes that families can not just survive but thrive.

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