Calm the Chaos
Why Blackbird?
Our approach allows both the practitioner and the client to work collaboratively, where the wisdom of many perspectives becomes a rich resource for creative and innovative interventions for mental and emotional well-being.
Find the Light.
Today and Any Day.
Our team...
We are a group of passionate clinical practitioners with a foundation in Creative Arts Therapy, Expressive Arts, and Psychology. We believe that creativity is core to our healing, recovery, growth and development.
We offer...
We love working creatively with people of all ages while engaging their imaginations to build resilience and discover new resources.
Creative Art Therapy
Expressive Arts Therapy
Psychological Assessments
Creative Art Therapy is a clinical counseling approach that uses non-verbal language of art making and the verbal expression of storytelling for personal growth, insight, healing and transformation. Using the creative process in a therapeutic setting enhances our ability to make meaning out of our experiences and reconcile emotional conflicts.
The Art Therapy process is about finding new solutions, new ideas and new ways of being. Anyone can benefit from Art Therapy. It is not necessary to have previous art experience.
Expressive Art Therapy helps individuals create a connection to self by learning how to identify and express feelings. Various modalities include dance, movement, poetry, visual art, and storytelling. Individuals do not need artistic skills to engage in the expressive arts process or to experience the benefits of this counseling approach. The expressive arts process equips individuals with the necessary skills to develop or re-define self-worth and confidence, foster resiliency, and strengthen internal power to navigate life’s stressors and transitions.
Psychological assessments for children aged 0-17 are designed to evaluate various aspects of their cognitive, emotional, social, and behavioural development. The overarching goal is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the child's strengths, challenges, and overall well-being.
Psychology assessments can provide valuable information to families, teachers and mental health or other providers working with their children. Psychologists who study assessment have shown us that assessments, done well and with empathy, are not only informative but can be therapeutic.